Archives: Agenda

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Apéro & Networking

Kaffeepause & Networking

Kaffeepause & Networking

Strategien und Innovationen für den Unternehmenserfolg

In dieser Session erfahren Sie, welche Strategien Ihrem Unternehmen neue Chancen eröffnen. Verschiedene Branchenführer:innen zeigen anhand von Praxisbeispielen, wie Sie ihr Unternehmen durch gezielte Massnahmen für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft ausrichten. Abschliessend geben wir Ihnen einen Ausblick auf die weitere Produktentwicklung und unsere Roadmap für 2024.

Frontline Success for Manufacturing & Construction – A Deeper Dive

Beekeeper is an easy to use, mobile first employee app that connects workers to everyone and everything they need to do their jobs well. In this session we demonstrate what success in frontline work looks like for construction businesses and manufacturers. 

A Closer Look at Frontline Success in Hospitality and Retail

Beekeeper replaces the old ways of working with an easy-to-use, mobile platform that gives frontline workers everything they need to do great work – at their fingertips. Join us in this session for a deep dive in to Beekeeper’s key features which support the hospitality and retail sectors.

Flexible learning & development for the frontline

Reskilling, upskilling, and flexible development opportunities are top priority for frontline business leaders. Professional learning and development are critical to creating a positive employee experience people want to be a part of; especially for frontline employees. With hundreds of millions of jobs worldwide due to be transformed thanks to workplace technology, people will need to be reskilled and upskilled to keep up with the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In this session Beekeeper’s partner eduMe will teach us how prioritize critical skills building for frontline employees both now and into the future.

Adapting to the speed of change in a frontline world (Session in German)

Seasonality, acquisitions and branch openings and closings are a reality for many frontline businesses. Smart management of these business events is key to success. In this session we hear how two European businesses navigated these ups and downs by turning to digital workforce tools. Now their internal operations run faster, smoother, and even more efficient.

Frontline trends and predictions for 2023

Frontline workers expectations are increasing. They expect more support from their employer along with transparency, flexibility and a healthy work life balance. It’s understandable, considering many are doing tough jobs in poor conditions. In this discussion we hear from a number of panelists on ways employers can balance frontline workers demands, while also addressing the external forces at play driving change. Which trends will continue and what can we safely predict?

Creating a Frontline-First Employee Experience

We explore the essential needs of employees and discuss what they are really looking for to ensure fulfillment in their frontline work. We discuss how businesses are addressing their top pain points head such as late shift changes, difficult working conditions, and low wages.